Board of Directors

  • Scott Somerville – President – President, Hanes Activewear, retired
  • Chris Geis – Vice President – Partner, Womble Bond Dickinson LLP
  • Justin Gomez – Immediate Past President – Director, Service Line Marketing, Atrium Health 
  • Angela Daniels – Secretary 
  • Dianne Blixt – Treasurer – CFO, Reynolds American, retired 


  • Bonny Bernat-  Senior Sports Development Manager, Visit Winston-Salem
  • Michelle Branson, Director of Nursing, Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist 
  • Simon Burgess, Principal, Mayfair Hospitality Group
  • Linwood L. Davis, Jr.; CEO/Owner, Sylvan Road Partners, LLC
  • Katie Grubbs– Community Volunteer
  • John Hunt– Principal, Wealth Enhancement Group, Hunt Advisory Team 
  • Casey Hough– Regional Advertising Manager, Compass Media
  • Calvin McRae II– Vice President of Public Policy, Greater Winston-Salem, Inc.
  • John Morgan– CEO, SupplyTrust (Vice Admiral, United States Navy, retired)
  • Elisabeth Mulcahy- Senior Director, Member Experience Strategy & Engagement,
    Truliant Federal Credit Union
  • Kathleen O’Gara– Community Volunteer
  • Joseph Rose, Senior Quality Engineer, Cook Medical 
  • Barry D. Rountree–Retired Chief, Winston-Salem Police Department
  • Matt Schooler, M.Ed., LAT, ATC– Sr. Director, Orthopedics & Sports Medicine and Neurosciences Institutes, Novant Health
  • Scott Sewell– Community Volunteer (Cook Medical, retired)
  • Ellie Shannon– Senior Associate Athletic Director, Administration and Strategic Operations,  Wake Forest University Athletics 
  • Quintin Williams, MBA, CTS– COO, Debbie’s Staffing
  • Nancy Young– Community Volunteer (WSSU, retired)

ex officio

  • William Penn – Chief, Winston-Salem Police Department


Message from the Chief

I am honored to serve as the 16th Police Chief of the Winston-Salem Police Department (WSPD). As a native of Winston-Salem, I am proud to serve as a leader in the city that made me who I am. My vision is that the WSPD will become a model agency in its use of innovative technology to supplement quality police work to help solve and deter crime and to create more efficient processes. We will embody the spirit of community policing to foster meaningful community connections and combat social drivers of crime. We will attract and retain people who have a heart for service and collaboration. Finally, we will be dedicated to the career development of our employees so that they will be equipped to succeed in the highest levels of leadership within the Winston-Salem Police Department.

We are fortunate and grateful to be supported by the Winston-Salem Police Foundation. The Winston-Salem Police Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to enhancing the capacity of law enforcement proficiency and enables the WSPD to be more effective in reducing crime and increasing public safety. The Winston-Salem Police Foundation supports community outreach efforts of the WSPD that are unable to be funded through the city’s general fund budget. The Winston-Salem Police Foundation encourages community support and understanding, as well as fosters personnel development and well-being.

The Winston-Salem Police Foundation and the WSPD merge our purposes through a partnership that enables us to serve our community in a variety of ways. For example, members of the Police Department were able to interact with and mentor about 70 children in the community through the Police Athletic League’s T-ball program. The Police Department has also benefited greatly from Operation Sweet Reads, an outreach initiative where WSPD engages our children in their communities with ice cream and books. This initiative helps to raise the reading skills of our kids to assist with elimination of the preschool to prison pipeline. Additionally, the WSPD interaction through both programs facilitates positive relationships between our youth and our Police Officers.

I ask that you support our collaboration by donating to the Winston-Salem Police Foundation. No amount is too small, and your donation is an investment into making the WSPD an agency that is dedicated to developing the community through citizen outreach and the support of WSPD personnel. With your financial assistance, we can continue to make Winston-Salem a safe and secure community that we all can be proud to call “home”.

Thank you for your support!
William H. Penn Jr.
Chief of Police



Note: Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the Charitable Solicitation Licensing Section at 888-830-4989.  This license is not an endorsement by the State. 


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Help make the City of Winston-Salem the safest city in America. Please support the Winston-Salem Police Foundation.