Our Mission
The Winston-Salem Police Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)(3), independent organization dedicated to enhancing the capacity of the Winston-Salem police to be more effective in improving public safety. Working closely with the Chief of Police, we assist in carrying out a strategic program agenda by generating the financial resources to provide necessary tools, training, technology, equipment and community outreach initiatives that might otherwise go unfunded through traditional funding sources.
The Winston-Salem Police Department is seeking engagement with local businesses in helping to support the community’s safety. The “Get Connected Winston-Salem” initiative allows businesses and organizations to share security camera feeds with the WSPD, allowing you to control what and when to share. To support this effort, click the image above or call the Real Time Crime Center at (336) 773-7720.
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Help make the City of Winston-Salem the safest city in America. Please support the Winston-Salem Police Foundation.