Police & Fire Departments Accepting Toys Wednesday – Friday, Dec. 2-4
December 1, 2020
Donate Blood in honor of Officer Sean Houle
March 5, 2021It is time for our 6th Annual Battle of the Badges Blood Drive. For the last SIX years the WSPD and WSFD have battled to see which team can bring in the most blood donations. The WSFD (Team RED) has had OUR trophy for two years now and I was ready for “TEAM BLUE” to take it back. BUT….. since 2020 has been such a COVID CRAZY year my WSFD representative and I decided we needed to join forces and battle TOGETHER. This Blood Drive will be about UNITY!
The WSPD and WSFD would like for you to come out and support a great cause. This year has given us all challenges we never expected. The need for blood donations is greater than ever. It is crucial!
The Blood Drive will be December 17, 2020 from 10am-730pm at the Home and Garden Building at the W-S Fairgrounds (421 W. 27thSt). It is only one day this year so make sure you mark your calendar. Tell your friends, tell your family, tell anyone who will listen. Donate!!
You can contact me to get registered or go online at www.redcrossblood.org and look for the donation site. See attached flyer for additional information.
Also please consider donating POWER RED. Power Red is a double donation. There are minimum requirements for men and woman. I listed the requirements to see if you qualify:
If you are a Male: Minimum 5’1 and 130lbs
If you are a Female: Minimum 5’5 and 150lbs